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영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 Jan. 25th / How much do you like people?

by 유스잉 2024. 1. 25.


There doesn't exist 100% of all the cases in the world.

If there is a good thing, there is a bad thing as well.

If there are good people, there are bad people as well.

In regards to the character of one person,

if you have merit, on the other hand you have demerit as well.

I agree with that.

But I think the proportion is much important in this matter.

I think there are much more bad people than good people.

In fact I don't like people much.

As getting old and making lots of human relations in society,

I realized that it's very hard to find out good people.

They look good people but they would be not in fact.

Especially, be carefull of the people who smile at you and give you very kindness.

In this case, they definately have some intention behind.

It depends on the personal character whether you like people or not.

This is not a matter of right or wrong.


