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영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 English diary Feb. 19

by 유스잉 2023. 2. 19.


A few days ago I received a text message from the bank in which I borrowed some money for the real estate. The message was about the interest rate increase. The rate was increased pretty much. OMG!! Until now the interest rate was keeping increased gradually but I could cover it. But this time the rate of increase was very high. Maybe I need to find some part time job for making up. By the way these days many people do part time jobs. We can call it as the second job, N job, sideline whatever. After Covid19 the quality of our life has been worsen financially. It's kind of the side effect of Covid19. 




#37일차 A few days ago I received a text message from the bank in which I borr...

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