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영어일기 English diary Feb. 10

by 유스잉 2023. 2. 10.


Today it's the due date for national health insurance and pension.

When I was an office worker, the social insurance cost was deducted mandatorily which was regarded as just tax.

In this case the company paid half of that and the office worker paid another half of that.

If running own your business, you pay all the social insurance cost by yourself.

Now one of the hot potato in Korea is the matter about the national pension because the total amount of the pension is getting decreased.

Therefore it's going to be zero in  about 30 years as expected by some expert.

So the young generation do not want to pay for the pension because they will not receive the pension back when they are retired in the future.

In fact, I totally agree that. 





#29일차 Today it's the due date for national health insurance and pension. Whe...

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