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영어에세이 영어일기 영어작문 Jan. 6th / Fight on the subway

by 유스잉 2024. 1. 6.



I was on the subway yesterday.

It's around 9 pm.

I was watching some videos through my cellphone.

Suddenly, there was loud argument near where I stood.

There were two people who were arguing each other.

They were around 70s men.

The arguing was getting louder and the tension was also getting severe.

Suddenly, one man stood up and another man also stood up.

They grabbed each other and had a struggle with their strengths.

Finally, one man punched on the face of another man.

The man who got punched blooded from his nose.

Suddenly, it's kind of chaos on the subway.

Some people tried to make them saparated in order not to fight again.

I put the button for SOS and said that two people fought here.

And then the subway police men came here when the subway arrived next station.

For few minutes the subway stayed at the station for finding out what it's going on.

I think it could happen.

But it's not appropriate.

Especially they were old men enough.

It's kind of shameful.
