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영어작문 영어에세이 영어일기 Feb. 5th / the greatest ability

by 유스잉 2024. 2. 5.




The books in written form cannot be treated lightly,

no matter how casual the author may be.

At the moment that you record your experiences and thoughts in text,

these writings will continuously exist beyond your life.

Sharing your experiences with texts is the greatest ability that human being has.

Therefore the books are the best tools to express your sincerity other than any tools. of communication.



I translated some sentences above that I like.

As I think, the writer is very creative person.

It's very difficult to express the thoughts in text appropriately.

When I the writing above, I agreed completely.

These days the videos like Youtube is very popular.

Many people like videos more than writings.

I think it's different part.

I have something in mind that writing has its own greatest power

to express or show the message that it wants to.



