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영어작문 영어일기 English diary Feb. 4th / beginning of spring(입춘)

by 유스잉 2024. 2. 4.

Today it's beginning of spring(Ipchun).

Today it's not so cold for winter.

It's cloudy and windy.

Ipchun is one of the 24 solar terms.

I think 24 solar terms are very accurate.

When I was young, I had no idear about 24 solar terms.

But as getting aged, I have recognized naturally it's accurate.

Today it's Ipchun with being cold.

Soon it's getting warm and

we could see the flowers

such as forsythia, plum blossom, etc..

We have distinct four seasons in Korea.

I think it's very not good sometimes.

I searched the reason for the four season.

It's because earth is spinning on a tilt.

I don't have any knowledge about science.



