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영어일기 영어작문 영어에세이 Feb. 10th / park properly

by 유스잉 2024. 2. 10.

I was driving through a narrow alleyway.

Both sides of the alleyway there were many cars parked in line.

I was driving down.

I found a car parked and it's sticking out.

Because of the car, there was not enough space for passing through.

Even I couldn't go back because the road was steep.

I got off out of the car and checked if I passed through.

It's very difficult to estimate if passing through.

It could be passing through.

In another sight, it couldn't pass through.

I asked someone who was riding a motorbike at the moment.

He kindly accepted my request.

I could barely pass through there

because he checked the space of both side

when I was passing through.

I said that I thanked him repeatedly.

I was upset the person who parked improperly

and obstructed other drivers to pass through.

