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영어일기 영어작문 영어에세이 Feb. 16th / a pork soup

by 유스잉 2024. 2. 16.

I have caught a cold.

It's probably because I haven't been wearing a mask recently.

Now my nose keeps running like water.

I put tissues into my nose to block running nose.

It's so inconvenient to breathe.

There is no fever but my body is so tired.

I need to sleep in order to recover a cold.

But I don't want to sleep because I want to spend my time to do something like writing a diary.

These day I think sleeping is such a waste of time.

So, I don't want to sleep.



By the way, Busan's one of the popular foods is a pork soup(돼지국밥).

I ate a pork soup today because I wanted to have some hot food.

It's because I have caught a cold.

I'm not sure if the pork soup is good for the recover from a cold.

When I went to the pork soup restaurant,

there were many people lined up.

I didn't want to line up and I went to the restaurant right next.

In fact, I think the taste of a pork soup is similar.

I don't like a pork soup so much.

I think a pork soup is similar to Jajangmyeon.

Before eating it, I think I really want to have it.

But after eating it, I decide that I don't have it next time.
