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영어일기 영어작문 영어에세이 Fed. 18th / A killer paradox

by 유스잉 2024. 2. 18.

Today I'm better than yesterday.

I feel so good because the runny nose has stopped.

I haven't recovered 100% from the cold.

Almost 50% is recovered as I think.

I don't usually see a doctor in case of a cold.

In this case I took just one pill of Tylenol.

I hope that my body becomes stronger in immunity.

Yesterday I stayed all day at home and watched Nexflix.

I watched "A killer paradox(살인자 난감)".

It's not so bad to me.

I think it has some message.

I think it's not just thriller action movie.

It's similar to the movies which is related to"Batman" and "Joker".

For pursuing justice, they commit murder.

They think the victims are very bad people and deserve to die.



