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영어일기 영어작문 영어에세이 Fed. 19th / a library in Busan city hall

by 유스잉 2024. 2. 19.


Today I wanted to read some books.

At that moment I was near Busan city hall.

I searched where the closest library was by my smart phone.

I found out that there was a library inside Busan city hall.

So, I went to the Busan city hall.

I tried to find the library.

I found a library on 1F.

I went inside and looked around.

But it looked like a children library.

So I asked a staff about where the books for an adult were.

She answered that this library was only for children and

the normal library was on 3F.

I went to 3F and I borrowed two books.

I thought it was good system that there were many libraries.

So, those who would want to read books could read books anywhere.



