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영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 English diary Feb. 27

by 유스잉 2023. 2. 27.


It's already 11:30 pm. It's too late now and I'm pretty tired. I try to write a diary every day. But it's very difficult as you know. In the elementary school one of the school vacation homework was to write a diary. But many students didn't write it every day. Finally before school start they wrote all the diary in only a day. In this point the problem was the weather. They couldn't remember all the weather for about a month. By the way I drove to Guanganri beach today. I saw many people who enjoyed their life. In addition it's good weather today. Many people had fun themselves.




#45일차 It's already 11:30 pm. It's too late now and I'm pretty tired. I try t...

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