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영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 Mar. 13 / look at that bird

by 유스잉 2023. 3. 13.


A few days ago I went to Gwanganli beach and there I took photos for Gwangan bridge and the beach. 

After that I checked the photos today and I found some weird and unique thing on one of the photos. 

A black bird was taken of the photo. 

I thought it was probably a crow. 

And then I just blew up the bird and I found very strange thing. 

The bird was catching some food like an insect or something. 

What a unique moment. 

And I was surprised that the performance of the cell phone's camera was really great. 





#58일차 A few days ago I went to Gwanganli beach and there I took photos for G...

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