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영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 Mar.16 English diary / I didn't say anything

by 유스잉 2023. 3. 16.


It's very difficult to express well what I think and intend. Today I got on a subway. I stood up holding a handle and there was a vacant seat in front of me. A woman came to take the seat. At that time I saw the subway route map. Suddenly I felt my elbow got hit and I turned and saw it. Her head hit my elbow. I was very surprised because I didn't move anything. Maybe when she had the seat, she accidently got her head hit on my elbow. At that time I had no word. Usually I want to be a good man and help a person who want some help from me. But in this time I didn't do any reaction. I didn't know why. It's because I was surprised and embrassed. Maybe if I said "Are you okay?", it would be better. Sometimes I regret that I behave or say. Today I continuously have thought about that. 




#60일차 It's very difficult to express well what I think and intend. Today I g...

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