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영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 English diary Mar. 23 / welcome to rain

by 유스잉 2023. 3. 23.


It's raining out there. In fact I'm very glad that it's raining because the climate is very dry. So it could be dangerous if the fire occurred. Yesterday I went to Ulsan for some work. I got on the train when I came back to Busan. I haven't taken a train for long time. So it's very sort of excited. And there was something that I was surprised. It's only 20 min. from Ulsan to Busan by SRT. It's very short time. It takes almost 30 min or 1 hour within Busan. By the way the flowers will drop by this rain. 




#65일차 It's raining out there. In fact I'm very glad that it's raining becaus...

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