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Nothing happens if you do nothing. 영어 작문 에세이 좋은 영어문구

by 유스잉 2024. 9. 10.

큰 부자는 하늘이 만들고, 작은 부자는 자신이 만든다?

아무것도 하지 않으면, 아무것도 일어나지 않는다.

The most certain thing in the world is

that nothing happens if you do nothing.






There is a saying that great wealth is made by heaven,

while small wealth is made by oneself.

However, I don't think so.

Even small wealth is made by heaven.

I think that many successes in human endeavors are largely influenced by luck.

A small wealth may seem to come solely from one's own efforts,

but at decisive moments, luck plays a significant role.

Luck has a major role in the results of human efforts.

Therefore, it is truly foolish to do nothing and just hope for luck.


The most certain thing in the world is that nothing happens if you do nothing.






Luck comes to those who are doing something.

If you do nothing, nothing happens, and luck does not follow you.

It is the truth.

Therefore, since whether luck comes or not is absolutely a matter of luck itself,

there is no need to dwell on it.

Just work hard at whatever you do.

As you continue to work, luck will come to you like a miracle.

That is how luck works.
