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영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 English diary May 13th / pain on my ankle These days I can't go running because my ankle is not good. I feel pain on it. When I went running before, I felt some pain on my ankle. But I didn't think that it's not so serious. So I endured it and kept running. Now it still gets me some pain and the pain seems to be getting worse, rather. By the way these days I lost some weight. I have reduced the quantity of the foods. Also I try not to h.. 2023. 5. 13.
직장인영어회화 영어공부 영어표현 더 오피스 시즌 2-2 have him on retainer . have someone on retainer (변호사 등에게) 착수금/상담비용을 지불하다. . retainer (변호사 등에게 필요할 때 일을 해 주도록 하기 위해 지불하는) 의뢰비용/착수금 pay a lawer a samll amount on a regular basis . We have him on retainer to protect the company. 우리는 회사를 보호하기 위해 그에게 상담료를 지불합니다/그와 계약이 되어 있어요. 2023. 5. 13.
왕초보영어회화 직장인영어 미드영어 더 오피스 시즌 2-2 suit yourself . suit yourself 마음대로 해라, (마음에 안들긴 하지만) 좋을대로 해라. Going to be fun. Got microwave pizza. What do you say? 재밌을거야. 전자렌지용 피자도 있어. 어떻할래? No thanks. I'm good. 사양할게요. 전 괜찮아요. Okay, suit yourself. 마음대로 하세요. 2023. 5. 11.
영어단어 영어회화 영어공부 더 오피스 시즌 2-2 honor system . honor system (구성원들이 서로 믿고 규칙을 지키기로 하는) 자율시행제도 honor system If a service such as an arrangement for buying something is based on an honor system, people are trusted to use the service honestly and without cheating or lying. . I think the old honor system was fine. 내 생각에 기존의 자율제도는 좋았어요. 2023. 5. 9.
영어슬랭 영어회화 영어단어 더 오피스 시즌 2-2 MILF . MILF 섹시한 엄마, 매력적인 중년 여성 (* MILF = mom I'd like to fuck) Pam : My mom's coming in today. Kevin : MILF Pam : Thanks, Kevin. 2023. 5. 7.
영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 English diary May 6th / crazy weather Yesterday I went to Haeundae beach. It's so windy. So the waves were high. It rained as well. But there were many people. Many people tried to take pictures for a memory. I thought it's kind of unforgettable memory because of crazy weather. On the beach there were sand sculptures. There was the sand sculpture for Busan Expo 2030. In fact I wish that Busan will have the Expo in 2030. As I know th.. 2023. 5. 6.
영어공부 영어이디엄 영어회화 더 오피스 시즌 2-2 can't wait . can't wait 너무나 기대가 된다, 정말 ~을 하고 싶다. . I just can't wait to see how you handle it. 네가 어떻게 처리하는지 정말 보고 싶다, 어떻게 처리할지 너무나 기대가 된다. 2023. 5. 4.
영어공부 영어슬랭 영어단어 더 오피스 시즌 2-2 nail someone . nail someone ~와 섹스하다, 관계를 가지다. . Randall is nailing his secretary. 랜달은 그의 비서와 관계를 갖는 사이였어. 2023. 5. 3.
영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 English diary May 2nd / two cats staring each other Yesterday I saw two cats staring each other on a car at the parking lot in the basement. At first I saw only one cat on the hood of the car. The cat was keeping eyes on specific spot. I also saw the spot and then I found another cat. I thought the mood was likely they were starting a fight soon. I didn't know what they had the problem between them. Maybe it's about foods or love etc. Maybe they .. 2023. 5. 2.