안녕하세요. 유스잉입니다.
오늘 4월 1일은 만우절인데요, 만우절을 영어로는 어떻게 표현하는지 알아보고
만우절 관련한 영어에세이도 작성해 보도록 하겠습니다. ~~
4월 1일은 4월의 첫날이기도 하지만 '만우절'이기도 합니다. ^^
만우절을 떠올리면 학창시절에 친구들에게 장난친 기억이 많이 나는 것 같아요. ㅎ
만우절을 영어로는 다음과 같이 말을 합니다.
April Fool's Day 만우절
April Fool's Day :
1 April, a day when people play tricks on other people.
4월 1일, 이날은 사람들이 다른 사람을 속이는, 장난치는 날입니다.
* play tricks 속이다, 장난을 치다
fool : 속이다, 기만하다
Ex) Every April Fool's Day, my friends try to prank me,
but I always end up figuring out their tricks.
매해 만우절마다 친구들은 나를 속이려고 시도하지만
나는 항상 그들의 속임수를 결국에는 파악하고 만다.
아래는 오늘자 영어일기입니다. ~~
English diary Apr. 1st sunny
Today is April 1st. It's the first day of a month.
Especially the first day of April is we call it "April Fool's Day".
It's kind of special day because today it allows people playing tricks on other people for only making laughs.
When I was young, it's a really funny day.
I started exciting from the day before as I planned how to play tricks on friends.
When I saw the friend who totally fooled, it's really funny and exciting.
Sometimes the students tried to play some tricks on a teacher
when I was in middle school or high school.
All the teachers understood the situation, and we all laughed at loud together.
Whenever I met any friend of mine, I tried to play tricks on them.
At that time April Fool's Day was kind of a festival.
I'm not sure if April Fool's Day is still big event day in schools these days.
As getting older, funny things seem to disappear.
By the way, it's very warm during the day.
Luckily, the cherry blossoms are still in bloom.
지금까지 만우절의 영어 표현 April Fool's Day를 알아보았고
만우절 관련하여 오늘의 영어 일기도 작성해 보았습니다.
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