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Jun. 2nd Fire Alarm at night 영어 일기 에세이 작문

by 유스잉 2024. 6. 2.


I heard the fire alarm while sleeping at night.

When I was going to quickly put on the clothes and go outside,

the fire alarm stopped.

At the time, I wasn't wake up fully.

I saw outside through the window, but nobody was out there.

Maybe it's because the fire alarm stopped.

I wanted to check it out outside.

I met a security guard and he told me it's false alarm.

I popped into my head about the fire alarm in Canada

I lived in the old apartment in Canada.

I had the experience about the false fire alarm.

At that time it's winter.

When the fire alarm rang, all residents were outside although it's very cold.

Fire fighters arrived at the apartment very quickly.

They stopped the alarm and checked the building.

And then finally they allowed all residents to enter the apartment.


The episode was almost ten years ago.

The manual was set very well and all residents followed the manual.

Maybe the false alarm was often because of the old apartment.

So they might had become accustomed to it.

