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Are you a smombie? 횡단보도 바닥 신호등 목적 영어 일기 작문 글쓰기

by 유스잉 2024. 10. 20.

There are the red/green LED lines in front of the crosswalk.

They can help pedestrians safely cross the street.

Bright lights help pedestrians recognize when the signal has changed.



You can see the led light in front of the crosswalk.

It's quite bright.

And especially, it is for a smombie.

Do you know what a somobie is?

The word 'smombie' is compounded of 'smartphone' and 'zombie'.

So, a smombie refers to a person

who is focusing on their smartphone like a zombie while walking.





They always look down at their smartphone.

Therefore, the red/green LED lights can help them recognize the current signal.

I don't usually see my smartphone while walking.

I think it's too dangerous.

Do you know this?

Many drivers look at their smartphones while driving.

Similarly, pedestrians look at their smartphone, too.

That's why accidents at crosswalks have been increasing recently.

