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The reason people like Chill Guy 사람들이 칠가이를 좋아하는 이유 영어 일기 에세이

by 유스잉 2025. 2. 12.


I woke up this morning, and my head still hurts.

Since last night, my head has felt heavy, slightly dizzy, and aching.

I wonder if I was still half-asleep.

Maybe I would feel better after some time.

I made myself a cup of homemade ginger lemon tea with warm water.

Drinking something warm in the morning made both my body and mind

feel more at ease.





When I checked my phone, I saw an emergency alert.

It said that snow had fallen in Busan and warned residents in high-altitude areas

to be careful.

I looked it up online, and it seemed like quite a bit of snow had fallen.

But when I glanced out the window in the morning, there was no snow-just rain.

I saw people walking with umbrella.




The sky is gloomy, my head still aches, and I feel sluggish too.

Someone said, "Life is a series of problems to solve".

I completely agree with that.

Recently, one of my worries was solved,

but before I could even enjoy the relief,

a new concern took it place.



사진 : namuwiki



Lately, the term "chill guy" has been trending.

It refers to someone with a relaxed and cool attitude toward life.

I feel like that's exactly what I need in my life.

Maybe the reason people like Chill Guy is the same reason as I do.
