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busking performance 영어 일기 작문 에세이

by 유스잉 2024. 12. 26.

Her busking stopped me in my tracks.

I was passing by the Busan Station square today

when I happened to see someone singing.

I stopped and listened for a while.

She sang so well.

I ended up listening to three more songs.

It was around 7 pm, and it was dark.

I was far away from her, so I couldn't see her face clearly.

I thought she might be a professional singer because of how well she sang.





She said she was a singer-songwriter.

Her name was 푸른달.

She was different from other typical buskers.

Her pronunciation was clear, and she had excellent delivery.

So, I could concentrate on her performance.

It was puzzling that such a talented singer hadn’t yet become famous.

Her skills were top-notch.

It was a lucky day to have accidentally seen such an amazing performance.
