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영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 Jan. 31st / miracle happened While watching the Asian cup soccer game of Korea vs Saudi Arabia, I fell asleep. The game started at 1 am. So, it's too early. And then I woke up suddenly at the time of about 80 min. of the game. I tried to watch the game with still being sleepy. After 90 min., almost 10 min. was added as extra time. I was still sleepy. At the 99 min. Korea team got a goal. Just one minute was left to be finis.. 2024. 1. 31.
영어일기 영어작문 영어에세이 Jan. 30th / a drag queen I saw a drag queen yesterday. When I saw her(or him) at first time, she was very attractive person. She was tall. It's about 170 cm. And she was skinny with gold hair. So, she stood out. When I saw her on the street, I couldn't see her well because it's about 8 pm. It's dark outside. But I heard her voice. Then I recognized she was a man. I met her at the subway platform again. When I saw her fa.. 2024. 1. 30.
영어일기 영어작문 영어에세이 Jan. 27th / Climate Card(기후동행카드) Seoul launched new public transportation card which is named of "Climate Card(기후동행카드)". I get some information about the card from the news. If you get the card, you can use unlimitedly the public transportation such as a bus, subway, bicycle as well. It's only available in Seoul. Wow~~ I really envy Seoul people. The card costs 65,000 won. It means the maximum cost for the transportation a mont.. 2024. 1. 27.
영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 Jan. 26th / bad luck today I started today with bad luck. I parked my car for about 20 minutes due to some personal work. When I came back to my car after work, I found out the paper showing illegal parking. I was very annoyed. If it parked over 1 hour or 2 hours, I accepted it. But it's only 20 minutes. It's very hard to accept it. It's too much. According to the law, it's my fault. I know it. But personally it's very ba.. 2024. 1. 26.
영어일기 영어작문 영어에세이 Jan. 9th / car accident Yesterday I had a car accident. I stopped my car when the light turned yellow. But the motorbike behind my car wasn't stopped. And then it crashed the back of my car. The impact was minor. Physically I was okay and he who drove the motorbike was okay. It's relieved. I called my insurance company and he called insurance company as well. The only problem was that my car was somewhat damaged. And m.. 2024. 1. 9.
영어에세이 영어일기 영어작문 Jan. 4th / writing communication Expressing one's thoughts or emotions in words or writing is not easy. That's why I think continuous practice is necessary. Many people can't express perfectly their thought or intention in speaking. Therefore, we sometimes have miscommunication. It's important to try to have clear and accurate communicaion in speaking in order not to misunderstand. If you are weak of speaking ability for accura.. 2024. 1. 4.
영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 English diary Feb. 21 Being different is just different. There is no special meaning in there. It doesn't impact on you badly. If the difference gave something inconvenient or some damage to you, it could be a problme. Without that, the difference is not a matter totally. I just think you are you and I am me. I just respect you as it is. You can live your life in your world. https://band.us/band/86244466/post/3117 #3.. 2023. 2. 21.
영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 English diary Feb. 19 A few days ago I received a text message from the bank in which I borrowed some money for the real estate. The message was about the interest rate increase. The rate was increased pretty much. OMG!! Until now the interest rate was keeping increased gradually but I could cover it. But this time the rate of increase was very high. Maybe I need to find some part time job for making up. By the way t.. 2023. 2. 19.