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영어일기 English diary 영어에세이 영어작문 Mar. 1st / 삼일절 Samiljeol(Independence Movement Day)

by 유스잉 2024. 3. 1.


Today I woke up one hour earlier than normal days.

At that moment, I just decided to try sleeping again.

But I didn't sleep again.

So, I got out of the bed and sat on the chair in front of the computer.

I did some my work as usual.

I realized that it's the Samiljeol(Independence Movement Day) today.

Today it's Friday.

So it's a three-day holiday.

The independence movement started Mar. 1st in 1919.

It hasn't been that so long.

It's 2024 this year.

It's just a little over than 100 years.

Considering the National Liberation Day(광복절) in 1945, it has been just 79 years this year since then.

Korean Quarterly



We commemorate today it's the Samiljeol(Independence Movement Day).

I think the reason why people commemorate more is mainly due to the holiday.

If today is not a holiday and we go to work as usual, the impact of the commemoration would be decreased.

I think it's the effect of the holiday.
