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영어에세이 English Essay 영어작문 영어일기 Mar. 4th / There is nothing eternal. 영원한 것은 없다.

by 유스잉 2024. 3. 4.

Today I suddenly had the thought that there was nothing forever.

This was applied to all people.

There was no exception.


Even if you are making a lot of money and have succeeded now, there will come a time when you will fall.

It doesn't last forever.

Now our economy is bad but it doesn't keep going to be bad constantly.

Your stocks are now in loss but it won't be in loss for good.

There is definitely a time when it hits the bottom.

Surely such days come.



Life is a cycle.

If there is a low point, there is a high point, and

if there is a high point, there is a low point.

This is the truth like that time is applied to all people equally.

By the way it was warm today.

Spring is just around the corner.

Today the air quality was bad but it's sunny.

I saw that many people came out and took a walk around.
