반응형 영어회화381 영어회화 영어표현 생활영어 더 오피스 시즌 1-4 get back at him . get back at someone ~에게 복수하다. get back at somebody to do something to hurt or harm someone who has hurt or hamred you . I spend hours thinking of ways to get back at him. 그에게 복수하는 방법을 생각하는데 수시간을 쓴다. 2023. 3. 19. 영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 Mar. 18 English diary / good weekend Yesterday I didn't have some time to keep a English diary. I was not so busy but just I didn't have some mind in time for writing. Today it's good and relaxed. So my mind is also peaceful. I think it's good time for writing a English diary. One of good merits is to express my mind and then it's kind of effect to share something in my mind with someone like friends. It reduces some stress and mak.. 2023. 3. 18. 직장인영어회화 영어공부 동사구 더 오피스 시즌 1-4 pull off . pull off 힘든 것을 성공시키다, 잘 해내다. . Pulled off an amazing '80s party last year. Off the hook. 작년에 80년대 스타일 파티를 굉장히 성공적으로 해냈어요. 정말 대단했어요. . off the hook. 정말 대단해요. 매우 좋아요. 2023. 3. 17. 영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 Mar.16 English diary / I didn't say anything It's very difficult to express well what I think and intend. Today I got on a subway. I stood up holding a handle and there was a vacant seat in front of me. A woman came to take the seat. At that time I saw the subway route map. Suddenly I felt my elbow got hit and I turned and saw it. Her head hit my elbow. I was very surprised because I didn't move anything. Maybe when she had the seat, she a.. 2023. 3. 16. 직장인영어회화 영어단어 영어슬랭 더 오피스 시즌 1-4 scuttlebutt . scuttlebutt 가십, 소문, 루머 .What's the scuttlebutt? 가십이 뭐죠? 소문이 뭐죠? 2023. 3. 15. 영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 Mar. 13 / look at that bird A few days ago I went to Gwanganli beach and there I took photos for Gwangan bridge and the beach. After that I checked the photos today and I found some weird and unique thing on one of the photos. A black bird was taken of the photo. I thought it was probably a crow. And then I just blew up the bird and I found very strange thing. The bird was catching some food like an insect or something. Wh.. 2023. 3. 13. 직장인영어회화 영어공부 구동사 더 오피스 시즌 1-3 thrive on this . thrive on something ~을 잘 해내다, 즐기다 . thrive 번창하다, 잘 자라다. . I thrive on this. 난 이것을 잘해요. 2023. 3. 12. 직장인영어회화 영어이디엄 영어표현 더 오피스 시즌 1-3 walk all over you . walk all over someone ~를 함부로 대하다, ~를 무시하며 대하다, 상대를 쉽게 패배시키다. ※ 누군가(someone)가 누워있고 상대가 그 사람 위에서(over) 모든 부위를(all) 짓밟는다고(walk) 생각하면 좀 더 쉽게 이해가 갈 것 같습니다. . You let him walk all over you. 그가 당신을 함부로 대하게 내버려 뒀어요. . It's just pathetic. 한심해요. . pathetic 불쌍한, 한심한 2023. 3. 9. 영어회화 영어단어 영어표현 더 오피스 시즌 1-3 rain check . rain check 우천 교환권(경기·공연 등이 비가 와서 취소될 경우 나중에 쓸 수 있도록 주는 티켓) . give/tack a rain check 나중에 적당한 때로 연기하다. (give는 후일에 초대하기로 약속하는 쪽의 입장, take는 그 약속에 응하는 입장) . I would love to, but I am really busy. Rain check? 나도 그러고 싶지만, 정말 너무 바짜요. 다음에 할까요? 2023. 3. 8. 이전 1 ··· 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 다음 반응형