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영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 Mar. 21 English diary / spring comes I can feel my hands and face seem to have lost weight. But the problem is the belly. It's still same as the past. I've got to find the way for losing the weight of the belly. By the way flowers already bloomed. Some people don't wear jackets. I can even see the person who wears short sleeve shirt. I have recently drank an ice americano. I think it's the time to prepare for summer. https://band.u.. 2023. 3. 21.
영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 Mar. 18 English diary / good weekend Yesterday I didn't have some time to keep a English diary. I was not so busy but just I didn't have some mind in time for writing. Today it's good and relaxed. So my mind is also peaceful. I think it's good time for writing a English diary. One of good merits is to express my mind and then it's kind of effect to share something in my mind with someone like friends. It reduces some stress and mak.. 2023. 3. 18.
영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 Mar.16 English diary / I didn't say anything It's very difficult to express well what I think and intend. Today I got on a subway. I stood up holding a handle and there was a vacant seat in front of me. A woman came to take the seat. At that time I saw the subway route map. Suddenly I felt my elbow got hit and I turned and saw it. Her head hit my elbow. I was very surprised because I didn't move anything. Maybe when she had the seat, she a.. 2023. 3. 16.
영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 Mar. 13 / look at that bird A few days ago I went to Gwanganli beach and there I took photos for Gwangan bridge and the beach. After that I checked the photos today and I found some weird and unique thing on one of the photos. A black bird was taken of the photo. I thought it was probably a crow. And then I just blew up the bird and I found very strange thing. The bird was catching some food like an insect or something. Wh.. 2023. 3. 13.
영어일기 English diary Mar. 7 / take a picture of the moon When I walked on the street at the evening, I looked up the sky. There was the full moon. Between two buildings I saw the full moon. At that moment it was very nice view and the vibe was good to me. So I took a picture. But the picture was not what I wanted to take. It didn't capture any feelings when I saw the moon through my vision. So I thought that a photographer was very skillful and their .. 2023. 3. 7.
영어일기 English diary Mar. 5 / the type of people who I hate There are a few types of people who I really hate. One is the person who doesn't listen to others. He/she only speaks to their words. And another type of person is to cause harm or inconvenience to others. But they don't know their behaviors cause any troubles. It means they don't have any intention but they cause troubles or inconvenience to others. I think it's problem. Today I met these two t.. 2023. 3. 5.
영어일기 English diary Mar. 3 / good thing living in Busan 영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 English diary Mar. 3 One of good things living in Busan is to see the ocean whenever I want. Today I went to Songdo beach. It's not so popular to travellers comparing to Gwanganri beach and Haeundae beach. But it was popular to the Busan citizen in the past because it had diving board in the middle of the ocean. For a while it's demolished. And then it has been rebuilt and now it.. 2023. 3. 3.
영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 English diary Mar. 1 Sometimes when I drive, I'm very stressful because of a taxi. Today I drove behind a taxi. The taxi drove a little slow. Approximately the speed was about 20 km/h or 30 km/h. I thought the reason why it drove slowly was to catch a customer. The taxi didn't have a customer. But it's too much. It's not a big road. It's a one-way road. So I couldn't takeover the car. I had to follow the car. I foll.. 2023. 3. 1.
영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 English diary Feb. 27 It's already 11:30 pm. It's too late now and I'm pretty tired. I try to write a diary every day. But it's very difficult as you know. In the elementary school one of the school vacation homework was to write a diary. But many students didn't write it every day. Finally before school start they wrote all the diary in only a day. In this point the problem was the weather. They couldn't remember al.. 2023. 2. 27.