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영어에세이 영어일기 영어작문 Jan. 6th / Fight on the subway I was on the subway yesterday. It's around 9 pm. I was watching some videos through my cellphone. Suddenly, there was loud argument near where I stood. There were two people who were arguing each other. They were around 70s men. The arguing was getting louder and the tension was also getting severe. Suddenly, one man stood up and another man also stood up. They grabbed each other and had a strug.. 2024. 1. 6.
영어에세이 영어일기 영어작문 Jan. 4th / writing communication Expressing one's thoughts or emotions in words or writing is not easy. That's why I think continuous practice is necessary. Many people can't express perfectly their thought or intention in speaking. Therefore, we sometimes have miscommunication. It's important to try to have clear and accurate communicaion in speaking in order not to misunderstand. If you are weak of speaking ability for accura.. 2024. 1. 4.
영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 Jan. 2nd / emergent police car I think starting newly is a good thing. It's kind of to write things on the new notebook. We can start something new with new passion. I'm going to write my works, plans, achivements, and life etc. on my own new notebook in 2024. By the way, I saw the police car with sirens blaring today. It looked very emergent. There were many cars in front of the police car. But nobody moved their car to the .. 2024. 1. 2.
영어작문 영어에세이 English diary Nov. 14th / organ donation Yesterday I applied for an organ donation to Konos(The national institute of organ, tissue and blood management). I've been thinking of the organ donation for so long time. After death, body is nothing. But there are many people who want to live. They struggle every day for life. If they would receive the organ that they need, they could live. I would like to become a meaningful person, even if .. 2023. 11. 14.
영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 Aug. 14th / Don't waste talent Today I saw the someone who wore a T-shirt. There was a sentence on the T-shirt. It said "Don't waste talent". 2023. 8. 14.
영어에세이 영어일기 영어작문 Aug. 9th / lesbian couple Today I saw a lesbian couple in person in the bus. At first, I was very shocked. It's my first time to see the lesbian couple in person. I only saw the lesbian person in a drama or movie. They sat on the couch in front of me. So I could see them very closely. They got very deep physical affection. They whispered very closely and they touched. One of them put her arms around another's shoulder. I.. 2023. 8. 9.
영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 Aug. 5th <hot hot really hot> These days it's really hot. It's very unendurable to walk on the street in a day time. One of the hot news recently is World Jamboree. One of the main matters is due to the hot weather. I don't understand why it's held in summer and why they didn't prepare for the festival well. By the way I saw the sky. It's very clear and I could see it vividly. I hope this hot summer goes well and early. 2023. 8. 5.
영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 Jul. 29th <Black Eagle Airshow> Suddenly I heard the roar of fighter jets. Before, I got the text message as kind of an alarm which there is the Black Eagle Air Show and you don't need to be surprised even though there is the big noise from the jets. In fact, I was on the KwangAn Bridge at that time. So, I took pictures when I heard the roar of the fighter jets. At that time, there was traffic jam and I didn't drive. 2023. 7. 29.
영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 Jul. 24th / Homeless people There are many homeless people around Busan station. When I go there, I can see them. They looks very dirty. They have very stinky smell. I can recognize the bad smell when I pass by them a little closely. They have some reasons that they become the homeless people. They don't work. They usually drink alcohol almost all the time. Why do they live like that? Maybe they like the lifestyle and they.. 2023. 7. 24.