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영어회화 미드영어 영어표현 더 오피스 시즌 1-6 hit a stall . hit a stall 진전이 없다, 발전이 없다. . If you hit a stall, you have a perfect fall-back. 만약에 진전이 없다면 완벽한 대비책이 있어. . fall-back n. 대비책 2023. 4. 23.
영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 English diary Apr. 22 / It's windy. I have got a sty in my right eye. It's not serious. It's just a small of the sty. There's no pain. I don't know the reason why I have got a sty. Maybe it's because I rubbed my eyes often. As getting old, I feel that I have dry eyes. So I have taken a pill for the nutrition for eyes. It's lutein. Maybe it's natural that I have fatigue and dry eyes because of getting old. Maybe I recognize that I .. 2023. 4. 22.
영어회화 영어슬랭 영어표현 더 오피스 시즌 1-6 get on that . get on that ~와 사귀다, ~와 잘 지내다, 좋은 관계를 갖다. Why don't you get on that? 사귀어 보는건 어때? She's not really my type. 내 타입이 아니에요. 2023. 4. 21.
영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 English diary Apr. 20 / It's hot. Today it's hot like summer during the day. Many people wore short sleeve shirts. It's still April. But there is no spring. Summer came already. In fact I don't like summer. I want summer not to come early. I'm exhausted now because of the hot weather during the day. https://band.us/band/86244466/post/3505 영어 일기 쓰기 Keep a diary in English | 밴드 You can keep a diary in English here. You can improve.. 2023. 4. 20.
영어회화 영어이디엄 영어표현 더 오피스 시즌 1-6 get your food in the door . get one's foot in the door 첫발을 내딛다, 기회를 얻다. . You can kind of get your foot in the door. 당신은 첫발을 내딛는 겁니다, 기회를 얻는 겁니다. 2023. 4. 19.
영어회화 이디엄 영어표현 더 오피스 시즌 1-6 break it up . break it up. 그만 싸우다. (회의, 이벤트 등이) 끝나다. ~이 끝나서 각자의 자리로 돌아가다. . This one is hand-embroidered. All right, girls, break it up. 이것은 손자수예요. 오케이, 싸움을 끝내고 각자의 자리로 돌아가요. 2023. 4. 16.
영어회화 구동사 영어표현 더 오피스 시즌 1-5 bearing down on me . bear down on someone ~에게로 위협적으로 돌진하다 . You were bearing down on me. 당신이 나에게 위협적으로 돌진했어. 2023. 4. 14.
영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 English diary Apr. 13 / Welcome to Busan Spring is in the air. Many people have done many things outside I saw many people at Gwanganri beach who sing a song, run, exercise, chat with friends or take a picture etc. I think that weather is important to do something outside. By the way my digestion ability has some problem these days. I can't digest well after eating some food and I feel bloated. It makes me uncomfortable. https://band.u.. 2023. 4. 13.
영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 English diary Apr. 11 / being pressed for time It's really hard for me to be pressed for time when working. Being pressed for time probably makes mistakes and it causes much stresses. Maybe someone enjoys being pressed for time when working. They like to work intensively. But it's very hard for me. By the way, recently I have changed my mind that I will live reducing sleep and doing something as many as I can do. Considering I have thought, .. 2023. 4. 11.