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영어회화 영어단어 영어공부 더 오피스 시즌 1-5 trash talk . trash talk (특히, 스포츠에서 상대팀에게) 도발적인 말을 하다, 모욕적인 말을 하다. . trash talk n. 도발적인 말, 모욕적인 말 . Is that trash talk from Pam? 팸이 도발적인 말을 한거야? 팸에서 나온 도발적인 말이야? 2023. 4. 9.
영어회화 영어문장 이디엄 더 오피스 시즌 1-5 You're on . You're on. 좋아, 그렇게 하자, 동의해. 2023. 4. 8.
영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 English diary Apr. 7 / car first? people first? I almost crashed into a person while driving today. It's small intersection. There was no crosswalk. I drove straight ahead and the person came down from my left side. I thought he stopped walking to check from side to side if there's any cars driving. But he didn't stopped walking in contrary to my expectation. Finally I stopped driving. We almost came to be crashed into. Why did I think that h.. 2023. 4. 7.
미드영어회화 기초영어 스포츠영어 더 오피스 시즌 1-5 suit up . suit up (스포츠) 유니폼을 입니다. 제복을 입다. . Suit up. You're on the team. 유니폼 입어. 당신도 팀이야. . on the team 팀의, 팀 구성원의 (※ in the team 이 아니라 on the team이라고 합니다. 팀의 명단에 올린다를 on the team list를 떠올리면 될 것 같네요) 2023. 4. 6.
미드영어회화 구동사 영어공부 더 오피스 시즌 1-5 put together . put together 구성하다, 모으다, 조립하다. . Let's put together a starting lineup, shall we? 선발라인업을 구성해 볼까요? 뽑아 볼까요? 2023. 4. 4.
영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 English diary Apr. 2 / Mosquito bit Yesterday I got a mosquito bitten on my hand in the barber shop. By seeing a mosquito, I can tell that summer is coming soon. Yesterday it's almost summer. But today it's a little cold because of strong wind. It's peaceful today. I read a book and watched a movie. I watched "Kill boksoon" in Netflix. I think It's good. 2023. 4. 2.
영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 English diary Mar. 31 / talk behind other's back When I was young, I didn't care much about someone who talked behind other's back. Sometimes I also talked behind other's back with my friends. Now I hate it. I don't talk behind other's back. It seems itself to be looked as a really small man. At first, I don't want to be that kind of person. Today I saw the man who talked behind their back to me after they left. I couldn't say anything for his.. 2023. 3. 31.
영어회화 영어표현 미드영어공부 더 오피스 시즌 1-5 mess around . mess around 느긋하게 시간을 보내다, 빈둥대다. . mess 지저분하고 엉망인 상태, 지저분한 사람, (개, 고양이) 똥, 많은 (a mess of) . I start messing around. 여유롭게 시간을 보내기 시작합니다. ※ (함께 보기) mess with someone ~를 놀리다, 속이다, 화나게 하다, 시비를 걸다, 방해하다. https://youspeakenglish.tistory.com/47 영어회화 영어표현 미드영어공부 더 오피스 시즌 1-4 mess with him . mess with someone ~를 놀리다, 속이다, 짜증 나게 하다, 화나게 하다, 시비를 걸다, 방해하다, 연관되다. . We've just been messing with him. 우리는 단지 그.. 2023. 3. 30.
영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 English diary Mar. 29 / I lost weight Recently I lost weight. I think the main reason is that I don't have appetite. Just I have eaten normal meals. I haven't eaten some snacks and fried foods. Is it due to spring? Losing weights is good for me. This time I do my best not to have appetite for losing weights. https://band.us/band/86244466/post/3360 #70일차 Recently I lost weight. I think the main reason is that I don't have a... 영어 일기 .. 2023. 3. 29.