반응형 영어에세이118 영어일기 영어작문 영어에세이 Fed. 19th / a library in Busan city hall Today I wanted to read some books. At that moment I was near Busan city hall. I searched where the closest library was by my smart phone. I found out that there was a library inside Busan city hall. So, I went to the Busan city hall. I tried to find the library. I found a library on 1F. I went inside and looked around. But it looked like a children library. So I asked a staff about where the boo.. 2024. 2. 19. 영어일기 영어작문 영어에세이 Fed. 18th / A killer paradox Today I'm better than yesterday. I feel so good because the runny nose has stopped. I haven't recovered 100% from the cold. Almost 50% is recovered as I think. I don't usually see a doctor in case of a cold. In this case I took just one pill of Tylenol. I hope that my body becomes stronger in immunity. Yesterday I stayed all day at home and watched Nexflix. I watched "A killer paradox(살인자 난감)". .. 2024. 2. 18. 영어일기 영어작문 영어에세이 Feb. 16th / a pork soup I have caught a cold. It's probably because I haven't been wearing a mask recently. Now my nose keeps running like water. I put tissues into my nose to block running nose. It's so inconvenient to breathe. There is no fever but my body is so tired. I need to sleep in order to recover a cold. But I don't want to sleep because I want to spend my time to do something like writing a diary. These day .. 2024. 2. 16. 영어일기 영어작문 영어에세이 Feb. 15th / a man losing a smart phone Today I sat on a bench. A man came to me and asked that I might see his a smart phone. He sat on a bench right next to my bench just a moment ago. There were two benches. I occupied one bench and he might occupy another bench just a moment ago. Actually I didn't know when he left the bench. I was reading some news through my smart phone at the moment. So, I said that I didn't see your smart phon.. 2024. 2. 15. 영어일기 영어작문 영어에세이 Feb. 10th / park properly I was driving through a narrow alleyway. Both sides of the alleyway there were many cars parked in line. I was driving down. I found a car parked and it's sticking out. Because of the car, there was not enough space for passing through. Even I couldn't go back because the road was steep. I got off out of the car and checked if I passed through. It's very difficult to estimate if passing through... 2024. 2. 10. Seollal(설날) / Feb. 9th 영어일기 English diary 영어에세이 Tomorrow it's Seollal(설날). I searched "설날" on a portal site in order to find out the word in English. There are Seollal, Korean New Year's Day, Lunar New Year's Day, etc.. Which one is familiar? I don't know. I like short one. ^^ By the way, we meet many families that we haven't seen each other for long time in Seollal. At first, we greet each other with smile. And then they talk a lot. They cat.. 2024. 2. 9. 영어일기쓰기 영어작문 영어에세이 Feb. 7th / Jordan 2:0 wipeout Early this morning, there was an Asian cup football match between Korea and Jordan. The score was 2:0 wipeout. Jordan won. Other than the score 2:0, the game was really terrible. It's very disappointed. So, many Korean people were angry about the game. After the game, one of the press asked the coach if he has the plan to resign. He said "No". In this point, I thought why he didn't have the plan.. 2024. 2. 7. 영어일기 영어글쓰기 영어에세이 Feb. 6th / public bath I went to a public bath which was located near my house yesterday. I used to love to go to a public bath in the past. For several years I hadn't gone there because of Covid19. Because of the same reason of Covid19, I haven't gone to a swimming pool. In fact, one of my hobbies is to go swimming. I don't go to a swimming pool yet but I go to a public bath these days. I think a public bath is very .. 2024. 2. 6. 영어작문 영어에세이 영어일기 Feb. 5th / the greatest ability The books in written form cannot be treated lightly, no matter how casual the author may be. At the moment that you record your experiences and thoughts in text, these writings will continuously exist beyond your life. Sharing your experiences with texts is the greatest ability that human being has. Therefore the books are the best tools to express your sincerity other than any tools. of communi.. 2024. 2. 5. 이전 1 ··· 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ··· 14 다음 반응형