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영어회화 영어문장 영어슬랭 더 오피스 시즌 1-3 How's tricks? . How's tricks? 어때? 잘지내? (=How are you?) 2023. 3. 2.
영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 English diary Mar. 1 Sometimes when I drive, I'm very stressful because of a taxi. Today I drove behind a taxi. The taxi drove a little slow. Approximately the speed was about 20 km/h or 30 km/h. I thought the reason why it drove slowly was to catch a customer. The taxi didn't have a customer. But it's too much. It's not a big road. It's a one-way road. So I couldn't takeover the car. I had to follow the car. I foll.. 2023. 3. 1.
직장인영어 영어회화 영어표현 더 오피스 시즌 1-3 I groomed him . groom (동물을) 손질하다, 다듬다, 훈육하다/~를 위해 준비시키다 . I groomed him. 제가 훈육을 시켰어요, 제가 준비를 시켰어요. . I made him what he is today. 오늘날의 그를 제가 만들었어요. I groomed him. I made him what he is today. 내가 그를 키웠어요. 오늘날의 그는 제가 만든거죠. 2023. 2. 28.
영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 English diary Feb. 27 It's already 11:30 pm. It's too late now and I'm pretty tired. I try to write a diary every day. But it's very difficult as you know. In the elementary school one of the school vacation homework was to write a diary. But many students didn't write it every day. Finally before school start they wrote all the diary in only a day. In this point the problem was the weather. They couldn't remember al.. 2023. 2. 27.
영어회화공부 동사구 영어표현 더 오피스 시즌 1-3 let's go over . go over something ~을 검토하다, 살펴보다 . Okay, first let's go over some parameters. 좋아요, 먼저 한도/허용치에 대해서 검토해보죠. 2023. 2. 26.
영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 English diary Feb. 25 I went to the 168 steps which was located near Busan station. In fact I live in Busan. But I haven't gone to this place. I found it by chance. When I looked up to the end of the steps I had no words to say. The steps were kind of pretty steep. I went up toward the top step by step. In the middle of the steps I found some small cute village on the step. It's very hard to go up by walk. Along the .. 2023. 2. 25.
영어회화공부 영어슬랭 직장인영어 더 오피스 시즌 1-3 crack these things open . crack something open (캔, 병, 술 등을) 열다, (짐 등을) 풀다, (책 등을) 읽다. . You gotta crack these things open. 당신은 이 책들을 읽어봐야해요. . gotta = have got to ~하지 않으면 안된다, ~해야 한다. 2023. 2. 24.
영어일기 영어에세이 영어작문 English diary Feb. 23 These days there are many ways to make money. When I was young, there were no many options to make money. Usually if a father did farm works, the first son took over the farm works. And other sons worked for a company. Working for a company was just normal. But these days the young generation doesn't want to work for a company. They would like to start a new business. Or they want to do many par.. 2023. 2. 23.
영어회화공부 영어슬랭 생활영어 더 오피스 시즌 1-2 get high . get high 대마초를 피우다. . You want to get high? 대마초를 피우고 싶어요? . weed 잡초, 마리화나 2023. 2. 22.